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is licensed to print copyright texts and music through:Christian Copyright Licensing International, Inc.License Number: 11211966Copyright/Permission Questions can be directed to:Jarrod Richey, jrichey@redeemertwincities.orgGlen Warner, gwarner@redeemertwincities.orgor (318) 323-3061715 Cypress Street, West Monroe, LA 71291 PRINTING, ADVENT 2017REVISION EASTER 2018You hold in your hands another edition of our “Supplemental Hymnal.” This hymnal is a work in progress. It exists to assist us in worship by expanding our hymnody, drawing more widely upon the great treasure of hymns that God has given the Church through the ages. While our Trinity hymnal (1961) continues to be very useful, it does not contain many of the great hymns and worship music that have been a part of the heritage of the Church since its founding. This supplement makes more of these valuable works of praise and thanksgiving available to us.In the years ahead, we will continue to search for other hymns to add to this collection, as well as continuing to evaluate the helpfulness of these that are presently included. So, this is by no means a “finished” product.We continue to thank God for the faithful work of all our musicians and their invaluable contributions not only to this supplemental hymnal but to our services each Sunday. Special thanks are due to Jarrod Richey and Glen Warner for the many hours they have both dedicated to making this supplemental hymnal a reality. Finally, we thank the living God for all the gifts He has given to us and especially for the “unspeakable gift” of His Son. -Pastor Steve WilkinsCHURCH of the REDEEMERCHURCH OF THE REDEEMER SUPPLEMENTAL HYMNAL SERVICEviSERVICE MUSIC{{{{Halle-lu-jah!-PraisetoGodtheFather,-Son,andHoly-Spirit,-fffGlory-toYou,OLord,bothnowandforev-er-Halle-lu-jah!-Minister: Li� up your hearts!Weli�themuptotheLord.Minister: Let us give thanks to the Lord ourGod!Itisproper-andrighttodoso.&bMinister: Arise and hear the good news of God's forgiveness: Almighty God in His mercy has given His Son to die for youand for His sake forgives you all your sins in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit.3ACCLAMATION?b&b33?b?b&bSURSUM CORDA?b?b&b?bœœœœœjœœœbjœœœjœœœjœœœjœœœjœœœbjœœœjœœœbjœœœjœœœjœœœœœœjœœœjœœœbjœœœjœœœb™™™jœœœrœœœ™™™‰œœ˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙œœœœ™™‰œœœœjœœœœjœœœœjœœœœjœœœjœœœœœœjœœœjœœœjœœjœœœjœœœ™™™œœœjœœœbjœœœjœœœ™™™jœœœr˙˙˙˙˙œœœœjœœjœœœœ™™œœj˙˙˙˙˙œœœjœœœjœœœjœœœjœœœjœœœbj˙˙˙œœjœœjœœjœœjœœjœœj˙˙˙œœœœjœœœjœœœjœœœjœœœjœœœœbœœœjœœœœœœœœœœ™™œœ™™œœœœviiSERVICE MUSIC{{{fffHoly!-Holy!-Holy!-Lord,GodofHosts!Heaven-andeartharefullofYourglory!-Hosan-na-intheHighest!-Blessed-isHeWhocomesinthenameoftheLord.Hosan-na-intheHighest!-&bMinister: Truly it is good and right that we should at all times and in all places give thanks and praise to You, Holy Father,Almighty, and Everlasting King; therefore, with the angels and all the company of heaven, and with the whole church on earth, we rejoice evermore, praising Your glorious name and singing:>>>3SANCTUS?b&b?b&b3?b˙˙˙˙œœœœœœœœœœœœœœ˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙œœœœœœwwwœœœœœœœœœœœœœœœ˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙wwww˙˙˙œœœœœœœœœ˙˙˙œœœœœœœœœœœœœœœ˙˙˙˙˙˙wwwww˙˙™™œœ˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙wwœœœœœ˙œœ˙˙˙bbœœœbœœœ˙˙˙™™™œœœœœœœœœœœœœœœ˙˙˙b˙˙˙wwwwwwwww˙˙™™œœ˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙bbwwfffCopyright James B. Jordan, b. 1949. Used by permission.Next >